Two days ago I walked throught the heavy wooden doors, swipe card in hand, navy Jansport (robbed from brother) on my back. I thought back over the summer, and how the beginning seemed so long ago, but at the same time, it was as if we only got the holidays yesterday. It was weird. I have had the best summer of my life, and returning to school confirmed the end. I have to settle down now, do homework and study, get into a routine. I don't really know what to think about it all. Two more years left in school, but two of the hardest. I'm not going to dwell on it...too much.

Going back was uneventful. Apart from some slight changes involving hand sanitsers at all entrances, the place was hauntingly familiar. The odd painted classroom, a few new lockers, the prefabs split into two classrooms each were all different, but the shell of the building remained utterly unchanged. I was back. Again.

It was a tad hectic the first day, trying to get organised into classes, but at least it wasted time. Lunch came around, eugh. The same bloody ham sandwich. Ffs, mockery etc. And then the bell. The sweet, sweet sound of the bell. Goodbye...for today.
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